Have you ever tried to debug some PHP code in Vim just to find that Xdebug won’t show the full array contents? Fortunately the DBGP protocol allows you to set features for debugging, such as the max length of data that the debugger returns. You can set these features in the Vim dictionary g:vdebug_features, and they will be sent to…
Tag: xdebug
Xdebug: vim stopping on the first line of the script when using vdebug
If you are using vdebug and you are facing the situation where vim is stopping in the first line of any script you want to debug (or if you want it to actually stop), make sure to modify the following value in your .vimrc file: let g:vdebug_options.break_on_open = 0 As the official documentation states: This determines whether the debugger should…