
How People Change

While trying to get back in shape with some good habits, once again I grabbed a book that I started reading a while ago. It has been a very refreshing reading, as tend to be the case with books authored by Paul D. Tripp and/or Timothy S. Lane (you can add David Powlison here, as well) Allow me to share…

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New certifications in the landscape: Linux+ | LFCS

As advised previously, I started a my new job exactly a month from now. There has been many things to learn, many hats to wear. The willingness to help by everyone in the team (which is a big one, by the way) makes everything easier. At this moment it is clear that continuing the cPanel/WHM training is extremely helpful, not…

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Next stop: cPanel & WHM Administrator Certification

So here’s the deal. Soon I’ll be managing new responsibilities that involves serious knowledge of cPanel/WHM, and although I have experience working with this platform, I’ve been studying the cPanel documentation as if my life depends on it. For the aforementioned purpose, I’ve been making my way through the documentation available in the cPanel University. So far it has been…

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Bash Session

Bash: spaces turn into newlines on for loops

Have you ever tried to loop through a set of items in a for loop in bash just to discover that bash turns spaces into newlines making your script to break? Well, if you are in a hurry, use this before starting the for loop and come back afterwards for an explanation of what happened there: export IFS=$’\n’; Your final result might look like…

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CodeIgniter + Quickbooks Online SDK integration

I’ve just recently published a little Github project with the purpose of showing how to integrate CodeIgniter and the PHP SDK provided by Intuit in order to connect to Quickbooks Online services. The idea is to continue working on it until it reaches some degree of maturity. It should not take too much time, but time is scarce lately. I’m…

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Hello there, Welcome

Hello there, I’m Pavel, Maybe you’ve got here from the Spanish version of the Slackware Linux Project, or you might have stumbled upon the PE Category Filter plugin at WordPress’ official site. In any case, welcome. You might want to check my CV, LinkedIn or GitHub profiles.