
VicTsing Mechanical Keyboard: The Right Tool For A Programmer’s Job

VicTsing Mechanical Keyboard
VicTsing Mechanical Keyboard

Allow me to introduce you the VicTsing Mechanical Keyboard. But before gong ahead talking about its characteristics, let me tell you why I bought it.

As you might know, I was working as Customer Support Agent for a hosting company (I’m on the Development department now). I used to attend approximately 1800 chat sessions per month (3-5 chats at a time during the whole shift), with many, many words typed in a single chat session.

The average chat duration was between 10 and 14 minutes. If the amount of words per minute typed was 40, then, being extremely conservative we would have around 720,000 words typed each month. That’s something that my laptop’s keyboard was not being able to handle anymore.

Here’s where my quest for a mechanical keyboard started. I was in need for the right tool for the job.

Now, getting back to the VicTsing Mechanical KeyboardThis, ladies and gentlemen, is the tool for such a task. It does not only makes it doable, it makes it enjoyable. Keys are truly independent, so you don’t won’t have accidentally repeated keys or missed keystrokes. The clicky sound is formidable, the key displacement and sensitivity is perfect, After months of unmerciful amounts of keystrokes, it feels like the first day.

It is a little bit loud, but that’s not necessarily a problem. Besides, if you are into getting a pack of o’rings for dampening the sound, then go for it. Additionally, It’s somewhat weighty compared with those cheap plastic membrane keyboards around, so it feels great (and that’s a sign of quality)

If you are a coder and your are still using a membrane keyboard, you are punishing yourself. Stop that, seriously.

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